Schleswig-Holstein: Real diversity

We are much more than just a business location: Schleswig-Holstein not only impresses with its unique geographical location as a transport hub in the middle of Europe and with a globally successful SME sector, with strong future-oriented industries and an active science and research infrastructure. After work, entrepreneurs, founders and employees also find ideal conditions here for their very own feel-good balance of work and life: Two seas, endless horizons and unspoiled natural landscapes are just as typical here as urban centres and leisure activities that leave nothing to be desired - from culture and culinary delights to sports and wellness. Simply put, this state has it all.

08.11.2017, Eggebek. Konversionsgelaende. Auf dem Gelaende des ehemaligen Marinefliegergeschwarders 2 (MFG 2), das bis Ende 2005 von der Bundeswehr betrieben wurde, befindet sich heute ein Industriegebiet. unter anderem entstand ein Solarpark und ein
01.10.2018, Kiel. Frachtschiff unterwegs auf dem Nord-Ostsee-Kanal im Bereich OT Suchsdorf.

Frachter niemand keiner Wirtschaft Verkehr Infrastruktur Verkehrsinfrastruktur Transport transportieren Kanal Nord-Ostsee-Kanal NOK Schiff Schiffe Schifffahr
01.10.2018, Kiel. Frachtschiff unterwegs auf dem Nord-Ostsee-Kanal im Bereich OT Suchsdorf.

Frachter niemand keiner Wirtschaft Wirtschaftswachstum Wachstum Logistik Verkehr Infrastruktur Verkehrsinfrastruktur Transport transportieren Kanal Nord-Osts
Fähre im Hafen von Kiel
26.02.2014, Juebek. Eine alte Windkraftanlage vom Typ Vestas V47 aus dem Jahr 1999 wird aubgebaut und soll durch eine modernere ersetzt werden. Der Rotor haengt an einem Kran.

Repowering Abbau Demontage niemand keiner Wirtschaft Technik Technologie
05.03.2014, Hohenwestedt. Produktion der bei der Firma Leser GmbH & Co. KG in Hohenwestedt. Dort werden Sicherheitsventile hergestellt.

Leser PresseONLY Wirtschaft Industrie Industriebetrieb Betrieb Betriebe Firma Technik Technologie technisch techn
08.05.2015, Großenbrode. Segler in Großenbrode vor Fehmarn/Ostsee und Fehmarnbelt.

Fehmarnbeltbruecke Fehmarnbelt Bruecke Bruecke Bruecken Schifffahrt Seefahrt Wetter Wasser Segeln Segelboot Segelboote Segler Segel Boot Boote See Meer maritim mariti
Nordfriesland Windenergieanlage, WKA, Windkraftanlage, Windkraft, Windenergie, erneuerbare, Energien, new, energy, EEG, Ökostrom, regenerative, Energie, Saubere, Energie, sauberer, Strom, Wirtschaft, WEA, Landschaft

Das Containerschiff "Frederik" der FESCO Transportation Group faehrt durch den Nord-Ostsee-Kanal.

Containerschiffe Wasser niemand keiner Tourismus Urlaub Geografie Wirtschaft Transport Verkehr Kanal Nord-Ostsee-Kanal NOK See Meer maritim maritime La
Windenergieanlage, WKA, Windkraftanlage, Windkraft, Windenergie, erneuerbare, Energien, new, energy, EEG, Ökostrom, regenerative, Energie, Saubere, Energie, sauberer, Strom, Wirtschaft, WEA, Kran, Techniker, Helm
04.03.2016, Flensburg. Bei Danfoss Silicon Power werden Elektronische Bauteile gefertigt, sogenannte Powermodule, leistungsstarke Elekronikbauteile, die zum Beispiel Energie eines Windrades in elektrischen Strom umwandeln - oder Module fuer die Autom
07.09.2017, Flensburg. Stapellauf bei der Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft mbH & Co. KG (FSG). Die RoRo-Faehre - Fadiq - wird zu Wasser gelassen. Mitarbeiter Fotografiert mit Handy.

Handyfoto Fotograieren Handy Mobiltelefon Video Foto Stapellauf P
21.07.2017, Friedrichstadt. Motorboot im Mittelburggraben, einer der vielen Grachten im Hollaenderstaedtchen Friedrichstadt.

Friedrichstadt Mensch Menschen Person Personen Leute Tourismus Urlaub Ausflug Ausflugsziel Ausflugsziele unternehmen Jahresz
21.06.2016, Kiel. Segelwettbewerb ORC Frauen-Team Tutima Kiel Kieler Woche PresseONLY Mensch Menschen Person Personen Leute Sport sportlich Wasser Segeln Segelboot Segelboote Segler Boot Boote See Meer maritim maritime Ostsee Hohe Wellen Welle Wellen
01.06.2016, Braderup. Blick in einen Lithium-Ionen-Batteriecontainer. Die Bosch GmbH und der Buergerwindpark BWP Braderup-Tinningstedt GmbH & Co. KG haben gemeinsam einen Batteriespeicher in Braderup errichtet. Dieser Batteriespeicher ist ein Hybrids
11.05.2016, Neumuenster. Landfrauentag in den Holstenhallen Neumuenster.

Holstenhalle PresseONLY Mensch Menschen Person Personen Leute Gesellschaft Wirtschaft Veranstaltung Halle Besucher Frau Frauen Querformat QF Innen Innenaufnahme 

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Welcome to the true North.

Hub of the North

It doesn't get any more central than this: right in the heart of Europe, located directly on the most important north-south transportation axis to Scandinavia, and with direct access to the North and Baltic Seas, Schleswig-Holstein is an important transport hub to Northern and Eastern Europe and the Baltic States. Its proximity to Hamburg also provides fast access to German and global markets via all transport routes.

The numbers are also quite impressive: Goods worth over 52,6 billion Euros were transported abroad via Schleswig-Holstein in 2021. With a passenger volume of 921,796 people in 2021, the port of Kiel achieved an increase of more than 78% compared to the previous year. A further increase in passengers is also expected in 2022. 

Our climate: business-friendly

Schleswig-Holstein is a state of small and medium-sized businesses. And they are flourishing: Germany's second-lowest trade tax, favourable wage costs and moderate real estate and land prices, combined with a modern funding infrastructure, ensure a business-friendly climate and many positive developments: For example, a total of 119 companies have been newly established in 2021, creating 2,063 jobs.  

Our character: strong and flexible

In Schleswig-Holstein, 99 percent of the companies are small and medium-sized enterprises with fewer than 250 employees. This quota is significantly above the national average and forms a healthy basis for flexibility and security: because an SME-based economy is not only particularly innovative, but also less susceptible to economic fluctuations.

Many of the medium-sized companies in the true North specialise in lucrative niches, are internationally successful and are often true "hidden champions". Since the important industries of the future find exceptionally good conditions here, they are also particularly well represented, including medical technology, maritime commerce and the food industry, information and communication technology, mechanical engineering, renewable energies and the health industry.

Our development: sustainably positive

The upward trend of the Schleswig-Holstein economy continues. Compared to the previous year, the gross domestic product in Schleswig-Holstein increased to around 104 billion Euros in 2021. 

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Schleswig-Holstein: Workforce for tomorrow

Schleswig-Holstein is one of the few regions in Western Europe whose population is growing steadily. The proportion of young people is significantly higher than the national average. And they find the best educational opportunities here: nine state and three private universities offer the sought-after workers of tomorrow a wide range of courses with internationally recognised degrees.

Business, education and funding institutions work closely together in an efficient network and create the best conditions for companies with a need for well-trained skilled personnel. The partners of the skilled labour initiative (FI.SH) "Future in the North" support Schleswig-Holstein companies in securing their skilled labour and thus maintain Schleswig-Holstein's competitiveness. In the future, companies will find the skilled workers they need at short notice.

Schleswig-Holstein: Active knowledge location

Companies based in Schleswig-Holstein benefit from a top-class research infrastructure, active knowledge transfer and knowledge dissemination at the highest level. With nine state and three private universities, two administrative colleges and numerous renowned research institutions, the conditions here are ideal for knowledge-based and promising industries - from health care and medical technology to communications technology and renewable energies.

Universities in Schleswig-Holstein

  • Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel
  • Flensburg University of Applied Sciences
  • University of Lübeck
  • Kiel University of Applied Sciences
  • Flensburg European University
  • Lübeck University of Applied SciencesWedel
  • Wedel University of Applied Sciences
  • Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design
  • West Coast University of Applied Sciences
  • FHVD

Research centres in Schleswig-Holstein

Eight leading organisations for applied research in Europe operate research centres in Schleswig-Holstein:

  • Fraunhofer IST
  • Research Centre Borstel
  • Fraunhofer EMB
  • AWI
  • Geomar
  • MRI
  • Helmholtz-Centre Geesthacht
  • Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) 

Use location advantages of the true north

This is a year to celebrate for Original LÖWE in Flintbek. One hundred years ago, Walther Schröder invented the first Original LÖWE anvil pruners. Before the move to Flintbek in 2019, production ...
The year 2021 was a special one for Gebrüder Friedrich Schiffswert (the ‘Friedrich Brothers’ Shipyard’). It has been 100 years since the shipyard was established by the brothers Wilhelm and ...
The 100th anniversary of Knuth Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH, Wasbek  At Knuth, in Wasbek bei Neumünster in Schleswig-Holstein, you can feel how greatly personal contact is valued in every corner of the ...
Brunsbüttel is not necessarily known as a tourist location, but rather as an industrial location, e.g. for the chemical industry. But ... ...
Ambitious goals in terms of the expansion and use of renewable energies: Carbon Freed supports the goal of climate neutrality - with artificial intelligence. ...
The start-up from Riga feels right at home in Lübeck ...
How can companies really use green energy or save energy in the confusing energy market? The StartUp Encentive wants to make a contribution to the energy transition - with the help of artificial ...
150 years of Herose in Schleswig-Holstein: Innovation is a tradition at the specialist for valves and fittings ...
How an Estonian industrial service provider sets up shop in Kiel ... ...
Leading in smart parking systems - innovation from Kiel, used worldwide in airports, shopping centers and urban projects. ...

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