Support for innovative founders

We support innovative founders in Schleswig-Holstein, especially when it comes to technology-oriented products or knowledge-intensive services. We provide valuable contacts, make our know-how and start-up experience available, and give practical tips on how young or future companies can prepare themselves for the next round of funding or financing. Whether you are in the pre-seed, seed or start-up phase - we accompany you all the way to a successful company. 

Start-up grant 

Support during the pre-seed phase: for university graduates and students with an innovative technology or knowledge-oriented business idea. 

Seed and start-up funds 

Funding support for spin-offs from universities, scientific institutions and R&D-strong companies - for start-ups with an innovative, technology-oriented or knowledge-based product or service offering.

Competition of ideas

Every two years, the most innovative start-up ideas from universities, research institutions and other bright minds are awarded start-up funding. 

Baltic Business Angels

The association brings together private equity and capital-seeking start-ups to facilitate a broad spectrum of innovative start-ups across all industries. 

Your contacts:

Dr. Annelie Tallig
Head of startuphub.SH
Phone: +49 431 66 66 6 - 848
Malin Basmann
Project Manager startuphub.SH
Phone: +49 431 66 66 6 - 809
Broder Fischbach
Project Manager startuphub.SH
Phone: +49 431 66 66 6 - 8 49
Felix Rother
Project Manager startuphub.SH
Phone: +49 431 66 66 6 - 889
Friederieke Traulsen
Project Manager startuphub.SH
Phone: +49 431 66 66 6 - 549
Helen Zdunek
Project Manager startuphub.SH
Phone: +49 431 66 66 6 - 548
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